We’re excited to announce the addition of
Email Open Tracking
in Apptoto. This new tool is designed to give you more insights into how your prospective and current customers are engaging with your emails.
With Email Open Tracking, you’ll be able to understand which emails are being opened, which are being ignored, and who is most likely to engage with them.
Key Benefits of Email Open Tracking
Enhanced Engagement Insights:
Discover which emails your audience opens and engages with most often so you can tailor your appointment reminder sequences appropriately. For example, clients might open a booking confirmation email and the first appointment reminder email but ignore the second and third reminder emails.
Improved Deliverability:
Identify and remove unengaged contacts to maintain a healthy email list (especially important for Campaigns). Likewise, if you find a client regularly ignores all emails but engages with texts or voice calls, you can set their contact preferences accordingly.
Email Troubleshooting:
If a client reports not receiving an appointment-related email, you’ll be able to access reporting showing if they opened the email or not.
Enabling Email Open Tracking
Implementing email open tracking is simple and quick. This feature is
not enabled by default, so if you want to use it, please follow the directions below.
  1. Open Apptoto and click the “Settings” tab.
  2. Click the “Email” tab and scroll down to the “Open Tracking” section.
  3. Click the checkbox next to “Enable Open Tracking.”
  4. Click the “Save” button.
Enable Email Tracking
Viewing Email Open Statistics
Once you’ve enabled Open Tracking, Apptoto will begin recording data for every email you send. That reporting can be found under the “Tools” section > “Log” tab. The log will show the following email tracking data:
  • What time the email was sent
  • What calendar the email was linked to
  • Who the email was sent to and who the email was sent from
  • How many times it was opened
  • Content of the email
Open Tracking Reporting
Email open data is powerful information to have to optimize your appointment reminders and Campaigns, and we are excited about the insights this tool unlocks. However, it is important to note that some email solutions/apps (aka email clients) may prevent email tracking, slightly affecting Apptoto’s data precision. Nevertheless, we believe these insights are a powerful tool in your email strategy!
Need more help?
For more information, including details on email open rates, please check our “Tracking Email Opens” knowledge base article or contact our expert Customer Support team.