Starting today, all emails sent on behalf of your business to your customers by Apptoto will include a “One-Click Unsubscribe” button.
This includes all individual emails, bulk campaign emails, and appointment reminder emails (including booking confirmations, follow-ups, etc.).
One Click Unsubscribe
Apptoto is adding a one-click unsubscribe button to all emails to help assist our customers in meeting new email authentication rules established by Google and Yahoo that go into effect in February 2024.
Beginning next month, Google and Yahoo will require bulk email senders to meet guidelines designed to make inboxes safer and reduce spam, phishing attacks, and spoofing. A business is considered a bulk email sender if it sends over 5000 email messages to Gmail or Yahoo inboxes daily.
The three major requirements established by Google and Yahoo mean that businesses must:
  • Authenticate their email to ensure messages are being sent from an authorized sender using a legitimate domain
  • Keep their spam complaint rates lower than 0.1% and no higher than 0.3%
  • Allow users to unsubscribe with one click and remove them from email lists within two days
Apptoto will continue to inform you about any new updates we release surrounding Google’s and Yahoo’s email authentication requirements. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Customer Success at